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The uncanny valley is a theory in aesthetics suggesting a humanoid object appearing almost, but not exactly, like a real human can evoke feelings of eeriness or revulsion, rather than familiarity, due to the object’s proximity to reality yet noticeable imperfections.

Key Takeaways

Ayesh Perera, Researcher, B.A, MTS, Harvard University

The original music, coding, and animation are by Craig Ellenwood who used ai, machine learning, neural networks, alongside conventional electronoc music instruments. The visuals that make up "Uncanny Valley are generated in real-time in a WebGL canvas by analyizing the audio spectrum via WebRTC and a fast fourrier transform (FFT) function. Craig noticed that the FFT pattern looked like a landscape and later that night he read about the uncanny valley theory and this project which is ongoing was born, Your ticket allows you to come back and see how it changes, as ai never sleeps. Your ticket also enables you to use some of the art and music tools for yourself. This is a family friendly exhibit, we hope in some way, it inspires. Thank you for your interest.

From left to right: art by TerboTed, a graph representation of the uncanny valley, artist bio of Craig Ellenwood